For more detailed information about any of the conference programme please contact the members of organizing committee or send an e-mail to
- The Adriatic Islands in Travelogues (Split, 22 – 24 May, 2025)
- Architecture and Housing Culture in Zagreb in the Period 1880 – 1940 (Zagreb, 9 – 10 October, 2025)
- Digital Art History: Methods, Practices, Epistemologies V (Zagreb, 16 – 17 October 2025)
- VK 74/24/24 VK 74/24/24 – Viktor Kovačić and the Status of Modernity (Zagreb, Croatian Architects’ Association, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, Institute of Art History, 21 – 23 October 2024)
- Otkrića, istraživanja, prezentacije. Znanstveno-stručni skup u povodu 105. godišnjice rođenja povjesničarke umjetnosti i konzervatorice Ane Deanović 1919.–1989. (Zagreb, 13 September 2024)
- Discovering Dalmatia X (Split, 12-14 December 2024)
- Ivan Meštrović, Hrvatska i svijet (Zagreb, Galerija Klovićevi dvori, 26-27 February 2024)
- Srednjovjekovni drveni korovi istočne obale Jadrana – pitanje funkcije, obnove i prezentacije, organisers: Institute of Art History, Croatian Conservation Institute, Faculty of philosophy, University of Rijeka (Split, 7 – 9 December 2023)
- Women, photography, conflict, organisers: Institute of Art History, Technical Musuem of Nikola Tesla, Art Pavilion, FastForward – Women in Photography (Zagreb, 16 – 17 November 2023)
- Otkrivanje Dalmacije IX / Discovering Dalmatia IX (Split, 19 – 22 October 2023)
- Alliances and ruptures. The Non-aligned movement and its contradictions (Zagreb, 7 October 2023)
- Past and present representations of historical urban spaces (Middle Ages – Early Modern Time), international workshop, organisers: Institute of Art History – Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planc Institute for Art History, Rome (Dubrovnik, 21 – 23 September 2023)
- U službi baroknog kiparstva – međunarodni znanstveni skup o 100. obljetnici rođenja Doris Baričević, organisers: Institute of Art History, Departement of Art History, FFZG (Zagreb, 7 – 9 September 2023)
- Vlaho Bukovac: umjetnik i njegovo djelo, organisers: Institute of Art History, Gallery Klovićevi dvori (Zagreb, 9–10 May 2022)
- Digital Art History: Methods, Practices, Epistemologies IV (Zagreb, 3–4 October 2022)
- Formats of (non)seeing (Split, 27–29 October 2022)
- 5th Congress of Croatian Art Historians (Zagreb, 10–12 November 2022
- Discovering Dalmatia VIII (Split, 8–10 December 2022)
- Scars: Reflections on Art and Society in Central-East Europe in the 1990s, international conference, organisers: Institute of Art History and Institute of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (Zagreb, 9–10 July 2021)
- Towards a Conjuctural Political Economy of Non-Alignment and Cultural Politics, international conference within the festival Mine, Yours, Ours, organisers:
Drugo more, Institute of Art History, Gallery of Modern Art, Ljubljana (Rijeka, 27–29 September 2021)
- Za Grgu Gamulina, international conference on the the occasion of the one hundred and tenth anniversary of birth of Grgo Gamulin 1910–1997 (Zagreb, new date: 7–8 October 2021)
- Digital Art History: Methods, Practices, Epistemologies III (Zagreb, new date: 12–13 October 2021)
Bringing down the Archive Fever – opening and collaborating on photography archives and collections (Zagreb, 21–22 October 2021)
Discovering Dalmatia VII (December 2021)
- Discovering Dalmatia VI. (Split, December 2020)
- Digital Art History: Methods, Practices, Epistemologies II (Zagreb, November 2019)
- Prelogova baština danas II. Znanstveni skup u povodu 100-te obljetnice rođenja prof. Milana Preloga (Poreč, November 2019)
- Late Venetian Fortification (Split, October 2019)
- Heritage from Below: Critical Approaches and New Practices (Pula, October 2019)
- Cultural and political aspects of the sculptural monuments of the Habsburg Monarchy (Zagreb, September 2019)
- Discovering Dalmatia V (Split, June 2019)
- Discovering Dalmatia IV. The integration of knowledge concerning Dalmatia’s Historical Urban Landscape (Split, November 2018)
- Digital art history: Methods, Practices, Epistemologies (Zagreb, November 2018)
- The Power of Media (Split, June 2018)
Thomas Graham Jackson in Istra and Dalmatia (Split, November 2017)
Discovering Dalmatia III (Split, November 2017)
Mapping urban changes (Dubrovnik, September 2017)
4. kongres Hrvatskih povjesničara umjetnosti (Zagreb, November 2016)
Between Venice, Kingdom of Hungary and Habsburgs (Zagreb, May 2016)
Discovering Dalmatia II / Otkrivanje Dalmacije II (Split, May 2016)
Konstrukcije pamćenja / Constructions of Memory (Zagreb, November 2015)
French Artistic Culture and Post-war Socialist Europe (Zagreb, September 2015)
Metafora prtljage / Metaphor of baggage (Zagreb, June 2015)
Discovering Dalmatia I / Otkrivanje Dalmacije I (Split, May 2015)
Postmedijske i izvaninstitucionalne umjetničke prakse od 1960-ih godina nadalje / Postmedia and Non-Institutional Art Practices from the 60s Onwardse (Zagreb, November 2014)
Diocletian's Palace in the works of Adam, Clérisseau and Cassas (Split, November 2014)
Between Rococo and Classicism – Ceiling Painting of the second half of the 18th Century (Zagreb, Ocotber 2014)
Transnacionalne prakse umrežavanja srednjoeuropskih i jugoistočnoeuropskih avangardi (Zagreb, October 2014)
Arhitekt Boris Magaš (Karlovac, October 2014)
Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali 1214.–2014. (Split, September 2014)
Klasicizam u Hrvatskoj (Zagreb, May 2014)
Francuski utjecaji na umjetnost i arhitekturu Srednje i Jugoistočne Europe 20-ih i 30-ih godina 20. stoljeća (Zagreb, May 2014)
Ejnar Dyggve. Creating Crossroads (Split, Novmeber 2013)
Trećoredska glagoljaška tradicija u europskom kontekstu (Zagreb, September 2013)
Svetišta dalmatinskih katedrala (Trogir, Split, September 2013)
Frontiers in East and South Central Europe. Perception, Expansion and Protection of Borders from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period (Split, June 2013)
Our Modern. Re-appropriating Vulnerable 20th Century Heritage (IUC, Dubrovnik, May 2013)
Art History and Humanities in the Region – Present State-of-art and Perspectives in Education and Research (Zagreb, January 2013)
Diocletian’s Palace in Split in the Monographs of George Niemann and Ernest Hébrard (Split, November 2012)
Iso Kršnjavi – veliki utemeljitelj (Zagreb, November 2012)
14th RIHA General Assembly (Split, October 2012)
Klasicizam u Dalmaciji II (Split, June 2012)
Klasicizam u Dalmaciji I (Split, June 2011)
Grgo Gamulin (1910.–1997.). Znanstveni skup posvećen stotoj obljetnici rođenja (Zagreb, December 2010)
50 godina Instituta za povijest umjetnosti (Zagreb, December 2010)
3. Kongres hrvatskih povjesničara umjetnosti (Zagreb, November 2010)
12. Dani Cvita Fiskovića: Metamorfoze mita. Mitologija u umjetnosti od srednjeg vijeka do moderne (Mljet, October 2010)
Prelogova baština danas. Znanstveni skup u povodu devedesete obljetnice rođenja Milana Preloga (Dubrovnik, November 2009)
Zagreb–München. Hrvatsko slikarstvo i Akademija likovnih umjetnosti u Münchenu (Zagreb, October 2009)
Znanstveni skup o životu i djelu akademika Branka Fučića (Malinska, February 2009)
2. kongres hrvatskih povjesničara umjetnosti (Zagreb, April 2006)
1. Kongres hrvatskih povjesničara umjetnosti (Zagreb, November 2001)