
Official website of the Institute of Art History (1997–2025)

Institute of Art History
Ulica grada Vukovara 68/III.
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

For the publisher
Katarina Horvat-Levaj, PhD, director

Irena Šimić

Editorial board members
Danko Zelić, PhD
Vlasta Zajec, PhD
Andrej Žmegač, PhD
Sanja Horvatinčić, PhD
Ana Ćurić
Nela Gubić
Lina Šojat

Advisory board
Ana Šverko, PhD (Cvito Fisković Center, Split)
Ivana Haničar Buljan 

Design: Karaman dizajn d.o.o.
Programming: Tomislav Uvodić

To search through publication's acrhives 2009‒2015 please visit pages of the Croatian web archives (Hrvatski arhiv weba).

Any use of the official website of the Institute of Art History in Zagreb is subject of legal conditions of use.