Petra Batelja Majić

Senior Assistant
T. +385 1 6112 362
E. pbatelja /
B. CRORIS profile
She was born in 1988 in Zagreb. After graduating from the Jastrebarsko High School, she studied Art History and Portuguese Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, where she graduated in 2013. From 2015 to 2019 she worked at the Institute of Art History in Zagreb as a professional associate – doctoral student on the HRZZ project led by Milan Pelc, PhD “Arts and Communication of Power in the Early Modern Period (1450–1800): Historical Croatian Regions at the Crossroads of Central Europe and the Mediterranean”. She defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “'Imago nobilis' – Representation of the Oršić Family in The Triune Kingdom in the 18th century” in 2021 at the postgraduate doctoral studies in history at the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb under the mentorship of Marino Manin, PhD and Mirjana Repanić-Braun, PhD.
From 2019 to 2023, she worked in the private sector on writing and conducting projects in culture. From 2023 to 2025, she worked as an advisor (consultant) in the Department for Museums at the Directorate for Museums, Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Culture and Media of Republic of Croatia.
Since January 2025, she has been employed at the Institute of Art History as a senior assistant and member of the research group of the scientific project by Daniel Premerl, PhD, “Between Central Europe and the Mediterranean – The Artistic Heritage of Continental Croatia in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period”. She is a member of the research team of the HRZZ research project, prof. Dubravka Botica, PhD “Patterns of Patronage. Commissioners, Artists and Public in Zagreb in 17th and long 18th century” (IP-2022-10-3190) at the University of Zagreb.
She participated in both Croatian and international scientific conferences and workshops and spent short research stays in Ljubljana, Vienna and Budapest. She is the co-author of the book “The Mother of God Protectress Amongs the Croats: a Theological and Art History Approach” (2013) and was the executive editor of the professional journal Kvartal (year 15, no. 1-4, 2018).
Areas of interest are Croatian noble families, wall paintings, early modern art and Christian iconography.